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Looking for regulatory US requirements for medical gloves? The testing requirements within the EU? Find these answers and more in Industry Links – your go-to-resource for the most popular regulatory, government, industry, testing and health and safety websites.
Regulates the sale and marketing of medical devices in the US.
Visit the SiteRegulates the sale and marketing of medical devices within the European Union.
Visit the SiteEstablishes internationally recognized testing method standards and specifications for medical gloves.
Visit the SiteEstablishes standards for medical gloves used by emergency medical personnel under NFP 1999: Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations (US).
Visit the SiteISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 163 countries coordinated by a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland.
Visit the SiteEstablishes global infection control and prevention guidelines for hospitals, physicians, dentists and other healthcare organizations.
Visit the SiteSets global health benchmarks and standards as the coordinating authority within the United Nations system.
Visit the SiteRegulates US worker and workplace safety by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.
Visit the SiteClinical website for detailed information on cause and treatment of latex allergies for patients and healthcare providers.
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